Monday, March 13, 2006

Colliding Galaxies

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Wow, has some really great mel scripts. I recently created this video by merging a couple of scripts I found there. I also added a couple of my own simple shading networks to the galaxy clouds (consisting of a particle cloud volumetric material fed by a couple of circular ramps to define color and transparency). The starfield isn't too visible in the reduced size video, but if you look really hard you can make it out in the background :-)

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At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very cool. how did you go about merging the scripts?


At 8:42 AM, Blogger cyberchaos said...

Thanks, but I can't take much credit. I just appended a starfield generation script to a colliding galaxies script. Nothing fancy. I manually added the shading networks. It'd be cool to add an interface that allows users to tweak the shading. Perhaps I'll do that when I'm finished learning my way around the Maya interface -- I'd like a deeper understanding of Maya before doing much mel scripting of my own. Since playing with these two scripts, I've learned more about Maya dynamics, and realize there are simpler ways to generate the starfield. Overall, though, I'd say people are sharing some pretty interesting work at highend3d.

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well its above my head thats for sure.

I never really got into MEL scripting and there is a reason for that:

Because I didn't want to do it.




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