HAL: Hydrogen Alpha Filter?!
I just had an epiphany while browsing the flickr astronomy pool. Let me preface what I'm about to say with the admission that I only saw 2001: A Space Odyssey once in the theatre when I was around ten or eleven years old. I should really see it again, because my primary memory of it is that it is long and ponderous (which it probably was for a ten year old!), but I digress. The pictures that caught my eye at flickr were these solar eclipse photos taken by mosmi and Coffee Lover:
Now, I'm sure some SF geek will say, "duh" to the following observation, but it strikes me that these images are strikingly similar to our friend HAL from 2001:
Moreover, these flickr images are taken with a special Hydrogen ALpha filter. A HAL? Coincidence? I think not. Additionally deep, is the fact that this hydrogen alpha filter allows us to stare into the sun without harming our vision. Perhaps with a false sense of security? If I could remember more of the film, I'm sure I could ramble on about the significance of the solar eclipse as well ;-)
I think Kubrick, or whoever was responsible for the visual design of HAL for the film, was a genius. I don't dispute any initial intended definition of the acronym that Arthur C Clarke may have had (his apparently being Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computer), just saying that the special effects on this film were cleverly chosen.
Tags: kubrick | 2001 a space odyssey | flickr | flickr pools
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