Friday, September 15, 2006

Apophysis Tutorials

After experimenting with the image varation in Joel Faber's new version of Apophysis, I found a great tutorial by Michael Faber that outlines how to separate an image into its R,G,B channels for import into JF's Apo. In a fit of recursion, I generated a render that uses a previous Apo render as image import (click for larger view):

Another tutorial, not to be missed, is nemopaice's Julian tutorial which was responsible for the following julian image with fangs (again, click for larger view):

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Apophysis, now with image variation!

Wow, lookit me -- two posts in one day. I'm making up for lost time! Joel Faber has released a new version of Apophysis that includes, among other features, an image variation. This allows you to import any image, and use it as a design element in your Apophysis renders. Cooooool. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of this coolness, but here's a sample animation using a simple star outline as an import image (click the thumbnail animation to see larger view):

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Guess who's back, back again?

To say I left this blog languishing is a bit of an understatement. But! I'm back with renewed vigor, and resolve. How about a couple of Apophysis renders, as a peace offering? Click for larger size:

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