Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Redfield Lattice Composer

Fellow fractal enthusiast PadleyWood has put me onto a great set of free Photoshop plugins from Redfield. The fractal imagery to the left was generated with Apophysis, then post-processed using Redfield's Lattice Composer. Check out PadleyWood's gallery of Redfieldized Apophsis renders here.

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Post-it Note Prank

The folks at mental hygiene have published a brilliant howto, outlining the steps required to create your own post-it note mosaic. The technique was apparently dreamed up for an office prank, where coworkers rendered The King in post-its on an unwitting victim's wall.

UPDATE: option8 @ mental hygiene informs me that it wasn't a prank. Please see the comments below.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

3D L-Systems at Last!

OK, it took me long enough, but I've finally modified nthd.org's turtle and L-system scripts to work in three dimensions. The turtle now rolls and pitches in addition to turning. This allows the script to render those three dimensional L-systems I've been dreaming about. I've uploaded a sample render of a 3D Hilbert curve to flickr:

I'll post the code here when I've finished cleaning it up. The above curve was generated with:

angle: 90°
axiom: X
rule: X→^<XF^<XFX-F^>>XFX&F+>>XFX-F>X->
iterations: 3

UPDATE: here's what a 4 iteration curve looks like when the camera orbits around it:

animated 3d hilbert curve

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ahhhh... Life!

I've been playing with some of the great MEL scripts at nthd.org. There is much other treasure to be enjoyed there in addition to these MEL scripts.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006


These are just a couple of images I've generated with Apophysis, a free fractal flame editor for Windows (click on the images to see them full size). I discovered this wonderful tool while browsing groups at flickr. Check out this flickr pool dedicated to the amazing imagery people have created using Apophysis.

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cave Lizards

I've created a digital art photoset at flickr, and have uploaded some of my Photoshop art. I figure it's better to put it where someone might actually see it and (hopefully) enjoy it. This "cave lizard" series was created when I discovered the joys of Photoshop brushes. I was impressed by all the textures it's possible to achieve using brushes combined with the different blending modes.

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fake Tilt-Shift Video!

Here's the fake tilt-shift photoshop tutorial, mentioned in my last post, taken to the next level. Jeff Sacilotto has applied the technique to video. You can check out his handiwork here. Neat-o.

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